Paramedic for a mom...
2 years of paramedic school - $6,000
Litman cardiology stethoscope - $200
Sphygmomanometer - $50
Barbie Bandaid Factor - $2.99
Will Ice Cream Fix It? bribe - $1.76
Stopping the tears in two minutes or less - Priceless!
Useless trivia fact: A sphygmomanometer is just a fancy word for a blood pressure cuff. Who knew that applying a stupidly placed bandaid, listening to a heartbeat and checking a blood pressure could cure the ills that befall those coordinated children that run straight into walls. Without slowing down.
Yes, sometimes a bandaid is needed even if there's no blood. Or scratches for that matter. Moms magic kisses just don't always cut it. Back when I use to buy "cute" bandaids, we burned through them like nobodies business...they were definitely a cure all. Not so much with the plain ones.
I laughed so hard!! And, yes. I am a good, good grandmother (where do you think my daughter gets the 'good, good mother' from, after all?). Is it a crime to laugh at such a time?!
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