The twins and I were having "one of those" conversations. It eventually led to this...
Alix - "So you're going to die, mom?"
me - "Oh sweetie, not until I'm old"
Alix - "But mom, you're almost to old now!"
me - "Not really. I promise, I'm young and fun!"
Erin - "Well daddy really is almost to old."
me - "Oh yeah?"
Erin - "Yeah. The man has no hair!"
Well. Point taken. We'll miss you Tom. This is Tom - Halloween 2007. Back when he still had an abundance of hair... (hey, it's all relative...)
Fall Break + Halloween Fun
2 years ago
Comfort them by letting them know that not only was my dad bald when I was born but also had grey hair. At least he's not to that point yet..... he still has time. :)
I've heard that going to Hawaii without your husband makes them go to pot! You just showed us the proof!!
Hey I remember that costume! It was awesome!
your kids have the funniest quotes!! You should write a book or something....that'd make a good coffee table book, right?!
How lucky your kids are to have a mother that talks and listens to them!!!!
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