Thursday, September 02, 2010

On Your Mark... Get Set... Go!

The girls' first day of school was today... (I'm not a cryer, I'm a celebrator!)

Is in 2nd grade this year and LOVES her teacher already. Thank goodness. Love this girl so much! She's at a nervous stage of life right now and I just pray for her to be confident and strong. She is sweet and wonderful and a good friend. She is a ray of light to our family. Best biggest sister ever!

First day of kindergarten for the the twins! How did that happen? Brooke seemed so old when she started kindergarten and Alix and Erin seem so little... They were excited though and not nervous at all. It might help to have your best friend/sister in your same class...

My little sensitive one. She is wonderful and kind, but easily hurt. She is very confident and my girliest girl... Clothes MATTER to her! She is a little mother to Sam. She's always willing to play with her or help her.
My funny gal. She's destined to be the class clown (it was even mentioned in her blessing last night). She loves to laugh and to make people happy. She is enthusiastic and positive or grumpy as a bear - there is no half way!
Now I know there are a few of the twins together but they are so darn cute...

Tuckered out from a full day of school...
(I will admit that I didn't cry when they were getting on the bus, but sitting here writing about my sweet, sweet girls, I did have a tear or two slip out of my eye... I love these girls so much. I want so much for them to be happy and know they are loved. How is it possible that our Heavenly Father trusts us with these amazing spirits? I feel so honored and blessed to be their mother. Please don't let me screw them up!)


Karen said...

What lucky girls to have such great parents! And the twins get to be in the same class room?? Mine had no choice. Twins together was not an option a long, long time ago.

April Bishop said...

Yup. Same class. It was our choice and will continue to be our decision. I'm so grateful it's that way now. It was VERY important to the girls to be together. They've never been apart, so it might have been ugly...

Heather Macbeth said...

Oh my gosh they are so cute and soooo grown up!! It's amazing how much they change in a few months! And I LOVE their outfits. And, I'm with you.... I think I'm going to be celebrating, too! Just 3 more years.....

Jessica Waters said...

I agree with you completely April. I love my girls so much and often wonder why and how Heavenly Father ever entrusted them to me! I pray I won't screw mine up either.
Your girls are gorgeous and they have a beautiful and amazing mother.

David & Brenda said...

I am so happy. I just looked at your photos on facebook and am filled as I read your comments here. How I love these dear children!

Cheryl said...

First days of school are so exciting, and an anxious time! I'm glad that the girls are happy with their teachers. The first day pictures were taken from your house? If so, you have a beautiful view!