I hate the fair. My people love it. The people won. Even after I tried to bribe them with a Nintendo DS instead. It would have been cheaper... Led by their father, the girls were more interested in taking our annual pilgrimage to the Puyallup Fair.
Next year, I want to ride with Sam! (don't you love her boots?)
Petting zoo
Brooke and I on the ferris wheel.
This story made the whole fair worthwhile... Erin and I won her a stuffed animal playing her one free game. I couldn't repeat and win one for Alix... She was devastated. The entire day was ruined! Brooke had yet to play her game and we walked all over while she looked and looked for her game to play. Turns out she was looking for one that she knew she could win so she could win Alix an animal. She ended up winning a little stuffed pig and gave it to Alix. Alix's day was saved and my heart was warmed. Nice one Brooke! Way to be the best big sister ever!!