Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The girls and I were sitting at a red light when a most attractive and fit (shirtless) man jogged by.  I was sitting there enjoying the view, when from the back seat I heard...
"Gross!"  "That's disgusting!"  "That guy doesn't have shirt on!"  "Ewwwww!"  

Can't wait to replay this scenario in 10 years or so... =)
(As i have no picture of the aforementioned hot guy, I will give you one of some manly men I actually know... They are waiting for an impromptu race; muscle car -vs- new car...  too bad the new car won...)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Aging Gracefully...

It's been a little rough getting old(er) around here lately... I present to you three case studies in humility...
1) The above picture is one Sam drew for her developmental preschool testing.  Here's the conversation that went along with it...
teacher - "Who is that a picture of?"
Sam - "My dad."
teacher - "Shall we add some hair next?"
Sam - "My dad doesn't have any hair..."

2) While sitting on her father's lap, Brooke made the following observation...
Brooke - "The only long hairs dad has are his eyelashes and in his nose..."

3) Brooke had a couple of girls over for a sleepover and I introduced them to "The Princess Bride".  I was telling them how it was kind of an older movie and how much I liked it as a kid...
Sydney (in disbelief and disgust) - "Does that mean it's in black and white?!!?"

Looks like we can have our Humble Pie and eat it too! :-)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

(yet another) Quote of the Day...

Driving home from vacation, Sam threw up most of the way... (super fun...)  Which led to a discussion (or seven) on whether or not she had the stomach flu or was carsick.  Turns out it was the stomach flu.  Erin and Alix have been up all night throwing up.  Which concerns their baby sister.  After Erin's latest episode of puking, Sam put her hands of Erin's cheeks and asked her -
"Are you getting house sick?"

Friday, August 19, 2011

Quote of the Day...

My cousin got married yesterday (congratulations, Noel and Chanel), so I came downstairs freshly showered and with makeup on...
Brooke - "Whoa, Mom!  I didn't know it was Sunday!"

Perhaps I've been taking summer casual a tad bit too far...