Friday, August 26, 2011

Aging Gracefully...

It's been a little rough getting old(er) around here lately... I present to you three case studies in humility...
1) The above picture is one Sam drew for her developmental preschool testing.  Here's the conversation that went along with it...
teacher - "Who is that a picture of?"
Sam - "My dad."
teacher - "Shall we add some hair next?"
Sam - "My dad doesn't have any hair..."

2) While sitting on her father's lap, Brooke made the following observation...
Brooke - "The only long hairs dad has are his eyelashes and in his nose..."

3) Brooke had a couple of girls over for a sleepover and I introduced them to "The Princess Bride".  I was telling them how it was kind of an older movie and how much I liked it as a kid...
Sydney (in disbelief and disgust) - "Does that mean it's in black and white?!!?"

Looks like we can have our Humble Pie and eat it too! :-)


Carla and crew said...

ya gotta love those kids! they do so much for a parent's self-esteem!

Heather Macbeth said...

These made me laugh out loud! Oh how I love those girlies. I can't wait to hear their dating stories. :)

David & Brenda said...

Funny! Funny! Funny!

Cheryl said...

I'm going to miss the honest comments I hear every day as a teacher! Aren't children the greatest!!!!!!