Saturday, September 18, 2010

Girl Time

I woke up this morning to the sweet, sweet sounds of the girls laughing and giggling together. Best way to wake up ever! So I lay there and listened in on their fun...
hysterical laughter "I just farted!" more hysterical giggling "Me too!" giggle giggle laugh laugh "Mine smell worse than yours... teeheehee snicker snicker Even Sam was in on the fun, through wall - "I 'parted' too!" laugh giggle "parting" sounds
Good to know that I am raising such lady like girls. Makes a mother proud.

Nuthin' but ladies in our family!


LeeAnn said...

That's totally funny! Kids really do and say the funniest things. It's nice they can find such joy in the simple things of life.

David & Brenda said...

Snicker snicker giggle giggle...Hilarious! Love the photo! When was it taken?

April Bishop said...

At the cabins this summer in front of the Mack's Inn Dinner Theater.

Tyrell Berner said...

I was laughing just reading the post. My sister and I totally did the same thing growing up!

Brenda Sue said...

I was watching my boyfriends two year old nephew the other night and he looks over at me and said, "I fart" and I asked him "what do we say when we fart?" and he looks at me and says, "Daddy did it!"