Saturday, November 08, 2008

My Nemesis...

Let's begin this tale of woe and deceit with the understanding that in all reality, I am an excellent cook. Really. I recently made lasagna, bread sticks, and apple pie (all from scratch) for Tom's grandma. Not a ruined dish in the bunch. Delicious meal, all around. But... if you ask me to make macaroni and cheese I will quake in fear. My face will break out in a sweat and Tom will run for the nearest McDonald's. Really. This is a direct quote from one of Tom's answers in the newly-dead game. "I don't know where she gets her macaroni and cheese, but it looks like it comes from the morgue." Really. The morgue. Tonight, there was another battle in the kitchen. I'm not sure who won. The battle or the war. It all began when I dumped the sauce packet in the boiling water... An ominous sign to be sure. Then I accidentally dumped ALL of the noodles into the sink while trying to drain them. Did I mention the sink wasn't totally clean? So I start another batch. I scrape all the noodles that look cleanish into a bowl. Really. (My children have amazing immune systems...) Noodles are cooked and mixed up. Maybe 2/3 of the first batch survived. Add the butter. After I drop it on the floor. After it hit the cupboard on the way down. Pick it up. Drop it on the hot burner. Decide it doesn't actually need butter. Add the milk. And the cheese packets. Oddly enough, it tastes a little... odd. Luckily enough, the girls don't care. Enjoy your meal ladies!


Karen said...

Remind me to show you how easy it is to make great homemade mac and cheese, bearing in my that my kids had never had it until Grandma and Grandpa had come for a visit and they could hardly believe that I had been deceiving them all along. Any nibbles on your house??

Mary J said...

I swear I had this exact same experience while making pumpkin soup last night. To make it "fluffy" you're supposed to pour it into the blender for the final step. Bad idea when it's piping hot. And then it just overflowed/splattered everywhere. But it tasted good, at least what I could lick from the countertop - J/K. I'm sure we are doing our kid's immune systems a favor. :) We should probably dump stuff on the floor more often. Hehe

Eric Westover said...

Ahh mac and cheese, or "yellow death" as I like to call it. I never really liked the stuff but I can't even muster a bite of it anymore ever since one of the kids threw it up. The sight and smell just got to me. Bon apetite.

Cheryl said...

You make me smile! :) Sure love you!!

Tasha Horsley said...

that really sounds gross. :)

Brenda Sue said...

Sure you can't do Mac & Cheese, but can you make jello? Ramona has the hardest time making Jello Easter eggs at Easter time, I think its quite funny, people who can make immaculate meals who struggle at the simplest thing. I sure love you!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh your blog is so cute! Love your little family- and your new little one is such a doll! Can't wait to meet her! Missed seeing you guys in August! Hope you don't mind me linking to your blog from Tiff's- blogging is a great way to stay in touch! :) So glad to finally see your newest addition! I love all the little things you do- you are a fantastic mom! ~Janell Price (Snarr)