Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Best Mom Ever...
Now that I have a daughter that can (sort-of) tell time, I have to resort to much sneakier methods of trickery. You'll note that it is just after six o'clock in the evening. You should also note that all of my girls are down to bed for the night. And have been for 45 minutes. Yup. Early, I know. I'd just had it tonight. I couldn't take one more minute of the people. Just one of those afternoons. So I tell them it's almost bedtime. "Look guys, it's dark outside!" (The only time that's it's a benefit that it gets dark by 4:30...) Smarty pants Brooke looks at the clock and notices that it's not eight. So I changed the clocks. All of them. By two and a half hours. What can I say... I was desperate! I can also say that it worked. Off they all trooped to bed and here I am, finally in peace. Just better not forget to change the clocks before it's time for Tom to go work in the morning. He might be mad to get to work at 3:45am...


Gillian said...

The things we have to resort to as parents...Rob always says that we should write a book called "Lies, blackmail and other parenting tips." Just hope your kids don't wake up 2 1/2 hours early! :)

Rob and Juliann said...

Hmmm. Great Idea. I've been wanting to put them to bed everyday at that time lately. I just can't handle the early morning it brings. Very sneaky!

Brenda Sue said...

So, what time Did they wake up the next day?

April Bishop said...

Around 5:45. It could have been worse...

Heather Macbeth said...

Oh my goodness that is HILARIOUS! Very good tip for the future. I must say that I learn from the best apparently! That is very clever....

Cheryl said...

You wouldn't even know where to start out to be a bad mother.

I saw a picture of your mom as a little girl looked a lot like her when you were little. When I get it scanned I'll email it to you.