Friday, January 14, 2011

Quote of the Day...

Brooke was mad at her sisters for not helping clean the playroom adequately, so she bopped one of the on the head... (and she looks so sweet, doesn't she?) So, she got in trouble and this was her defense...
"Mom. It's easier to talk with fists than words!"
Later she told me she learned that quote in school from Martin Luther King Jr. I might have to do some research on that one...


David & Brenda said...

She comes up with the craziest sayings! Let us know what you find when you finish your research...

Graham Crackers said...

Research no longer...someone emailed me this for something else, and I thought of your post. This was from the MLK assembly.
Use your WITS instead of your FISTS!!
If you are being bullied or if someone is looking for trouble use your WITS:

W = Walk away
I = Ignore it
T = Tell the teacher
S = Stand up for yourself by saying: "Stop it, I don't like it!"

NEVER ever use your FISTS:

F = Fights don't win battles
I = I promise to use my WITS
S = Stop, Think, and Do
T = Treat others the way you would like to be treated
S = Solve my problems without hurting others