Monday, September 19, 2011


To when my family looked more like this...
 I took a trip to Canada to see my grandparents when the twins were about 9 months old.  (give or take - who can remember?  I was TIRED back then...)  I had to go without Tom and the drive is about 13 hours  (What was I thinking?).  We stopped at a McDonalds in some town in Canada.  It was rainy and mucky and slushy outside.  Brooke might have been three by this point...  I grabbed the twins and had one on each hip.  They weren't walking at the time, so I couldn't put them down on the nasty, dirty, slushy ground.  We walk in (like we weren't a freak show) and get in line.  Brooke wrapped her sweet little arms around my legs.  And proceeded to pull my pants down.  To my knees.  With a twin in each arm and no way to pull them up.  Did I mention the place was packed?  It was awesome.  Looking back I can't stop laughing as I write this, but I was mortified that day.  I managed to lean a little one way and grab some pants and pull them up a little and then lean the other way and pull them up a little more.  And so on, until I was fully clothed again.  Like I said, awesome.

 This story is just too good to not have it documented in our blog books... So enjoy the flashback and my humiliation...


Brenda Sue said...

Oh April, I love you sooo much!! And you wonder why everyone who knows you thinks that you are the coolest mom around!?!?

Shelene said...

thanks for a good "LOL" moment! We miss you guys!

Liz Wilcken said...

Awesomeness!!! Can you imagine what it would've been like with "worldy" underwear on? The twins are adorable in those pics!

Heidi said...

That is the funniest stories I have ever heard! I am so glad you shared, and that it is far enough in the past to be laughed at. :) That had to be miserable!!

Ruth Sagers said...

Ahh, how funny! what a funny funny memory :)

David & Brenda said...

And for brings a smile and a laugh...because we got to see you in Canada!! Can't get enough!