Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Day!!!
It snowed here in Puyallup! It does happen about once or twice a year. The whole 2 inches that fell canceled church, firesides and meetings alike. It was kind of nice... The girls love the snow and pray for it all winter. Here is some of the fun we've had...

Tom and Sam watching the girls play in the snow
Tom, Erin (purple coat) and Alix (snowsuit) jumping on the slippery trampoline. Snow is even better than shaving cream for slipping around...

Brooke throwing snow around.

The slide was also super speedy covered in snow...

"Mom, it's a perfect snow angel."


Erin, Alix, Mom and Brooke. In front of Tom's beautiful waterfall...

Alix collecting snow for the snow ice cream we make every time it snows. It's actually good and tastes just like real vanilla ice cream...

Snow in Erin's hair. ( I just like this picture, so you get to see it too...)

Brooke all rosy-cheeked and ready for hot cocoa!


Anonymous said...
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Gillian said...

So fun! You remind me that we need to invest in snow pants! :)

Brenda Sue said...

If you like snow you should bring your girls to Utah! Its been snowing here since about 6:30 or so this morning!

Karen said...

Where else in "Zion" do we take snow days from church for an inch or two of snow....only in Seattle!! We do (even still today) have a great sheet of ice for a driveway. The roads are OK but our driveway could be an ice rink! Good thing we park out front mostly.

Unknown said...

Your girls are SOOOOO adorable! I hear you are coming to Idaho soon so you better get used to seeing A LOT of that snow :) Cute cute!