Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hand it Over...

The Mom of the Year Award that is...  Here's why...
Yesterday I sent the girls off to school and got ready to go the gym.  Right as I was leaving, I got a call from Sam's preschool. "Mrs. Bishop?  Were you aware that Sam's right hand is all red and swollen and hot?"  Um. No.  "Would you come and check her out please?  We're kind of worried about her."  So I go to check her out.  They were right.  Her right hand was all swollen and red and hot from the knuckles on her hand, up all 4 fingers.  Huh.  How did I miss that?  So I take her home and call the doctor.  With this girl, you just can't be too careful...  "Bring her right in, please.  We take these kinds of things very seriously!"  Of course you do.  So off we go... I had no idea what could have happened, but her (very astute) father mentioned she'd fallen off her bike a bunch of times on Saturday. Sure.  She totally broke her hand and all four fingers and we're just figuring that out now?  Yeah right.... Well actually, Yeah right.  They ruled out infection because there was no scratch or means of entry for infection.  So she either sprained her hand and all four fingers or broke them.  Well.  Don't I feel the tiniest bit stupid?  So we go get xrays...  Turns out her hand isn't broken, just sprained.  Makes me feel a little bit less like a loser...  But I will tell you that this girl has the highest pain tolerance in the world.  Remember her UTI that she had for months?  And we only knew cause it almost killed her?  So in my defense, she never favored her (red, hot, swollen) hand.   She never complained.  She never anything.  So there you have it.  For the seventh time (this year...) please hand over the Mom of the Year Award...


Tyrell Berner said...

Holy smokes! She is one tough little one!

Heidi said...

She's not only beautiful...she's extra, extra tuff!

Heather Macbeth said...

Oh my gosh! Poor little sam! Dang that is definitely a bittersweet thing that she is so tough. All i know is that if i had sprained my hand you better believe you could hear me crying over it... and the rest of nc.

Carla and crew said...

at least you didn't have to go to the gym!!!

Cheryl said...

I love Sam sooo much!!!!!