Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Oatmeal Diaries...

In an effort to eat more healthily I introduced oatmeal to my girls today.... Here's how the morning went -
Brooke - Oatmeal's not so bad.  I like the peaches.
Tom - Sorry, this is real oatmeal, it has no peaches.  Or cream.
Brooke - What!??!  She looks in the pan... Gross!!!
And thus the tone for the morning was set...
Erin was a champ and ate her whole (tiny) bowl without complaint.  The only sign of how much she didn't love it were her flared nostrils with every bite. 
Alix ate half her bowl and then had a melt down.  Brooke just melted down from the get go.  We'd told them they had to eat their whole (really, really tiny) bowl or they wouldn't get a homemade cinnamon roll afterwords. (I know, not healthy, but baby steps...)  Brooke then pulled the "I'm full and you've told me to quit eating when I'm full" tirade.  Fine.  If you're full, quit.  Then you can have your leftover oatmeal for lunch. (gag)  "What if I'm not hungry for lunch?"  Then, please enjoy your rubber for supper...  
Sam cried, but we were able to feed her (like a six month old...) her entire bowl.  
Alix FINALLY finished an hour later, but at least she can have a sandwich for lunch now.  Brooke has a bowl of delicious, rubbery, cold oatmeal to eat for her lunch.  Super fun.  Now I do understand how they feel.  My mother force fed me oatmeal my entire growing up.  Which is why my children have never, until today, had real oatmeal.  But I ate some too.  And I'll be they didn't even notice my nostrils flaring... (oatmeal really is disgusting... some things never change.)   Won't the girls be excited when I tell them we're having oatmeal at least twice a week?  

I had no picture of the girls where they were all suitably miserable and whining.  So you get another pumpkin patch picture...  Maybe on Tuesday (our next scheduled oatmeal experience) I'll take a picture...


Eric and Shelene said...

Oatmeal's not so bad if you load it with brown sugar, but that kind of defeats the purpose. We know EXACTLY how you feel about trying to get kids to eat something they don't like. We deal with it almost every day.

David & Brenda said...

Even your blog hates oatmeal! It threw out my comment! But...just to repeat myself: how did this all get to be my fault?? I LOVE oatmeal! You're lucky I shared. :)

Linda Westover said...

So what's wrong with adding peaches (or blueberries) to "real" oatmeal? I learned to love unflavored yogurt in Germany by adding jam to it and gradually decreasing the amount... ought to work with oatmeal too:)

ann and steve said...
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ann and steve said...

WHY???? I hate oatmeal never have liked it and never will. Good Luck with your girls.

Tyrell Berner said...

I actually really like oatmeal. However, I don't cook mine until it's slimy... I cook it more like pasta- until it's barely done and still has some texture. plus, I put sugar in it! My mother in law puts apples and walnuts in hers and sometimes I mix grits or malt-o-meal into mine for texture, too!

Tyrell Berner said...

Oh... and yes, you should totally come to Amber's bootcamp at the gym. I love it!

April Bishop said...

We did put brown sugar in it for them. I'm not that mean!

Benjamin Macbeth said...

Sis, The stuff I can't stand is cream of wheat. aughh (me throwing up in my mouth) I like oatmeal when you put butter or cream on it with a little sugar.

Cristie and girls said...

We were subjected to oatmeal, cream of wheat and malt-o meal growing up. When my girls were little, I decided to cook cream of wheat one time.....and it never happened again. Even I couldn't stand it! Visions of my childhood came crashing back. Haha

Kari Carrigan said...

I hate oatmeal, but love steal cut oats. You may want to give that a try, much better!

David & Brenda said...

There must be something wrong with me...or maybe wrong with all of you and right with me? Cream of wheat is my ALL-TIME FAVORITE hot cereal (and I like them all; they're comfort foods!) As an aside (or maybe a side dish?), when we were on tour with Extravadance, one of our host families served us cream of wheat with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream in it for breakfast. Now there's an idea!

Mrs Sobbi said...

It's like I wrote this, word, for, word. Gag! And that's exactly what happens whenever we try to be "healthy" and force feed the girls (and ourselves) some. How did we survive so many years enduring this torture:) ?