Saturday, February 25, 2012

Crossing things off...

Mentally that is.  I hurt my left knee playing basketball on Wednesday night.  Now, I don't know exactly what is wrong with it yet (I have an MRI on Tuesday), but when I hurt it, it felt... bad.  Really bad.  Like more than a sprain.  So, since then, I've been mentally crossing things off my list for the year.  
Like finishing the first ski season I've actually skied and had fun.
 Like running the half marathon I'm signed up for and have been training like crazy for.
 Like playing softball.  My favorite "me" thing in the whole world.
And like finishing out basketball season...

Maybe I'm prematurely crossing all this stuff off, but I feel like I have to be prepared for the worst... I'm really hoping I'll be super happy and surprised and back to running and shooting and hitting and skiing in no time...


David & Brenda said...

I wish I could take your injury from you. I don't have any of those things on my list!

Tyrell Berner said...

injuries are the worst. Get better soon... my fingers are crossed too! Hopefully the doc will say it's nothing and you can go back to being your regular self.

Karen said...

Just think of the NEW list you can make....learning to crochet, scrapbooking again, physical therapy, enjoying your footstool, dieting by starvation rather than exercise,....shall I go on?? :) I hope the test tomorrow goes well and finds that you are healing already!! We need to get together sometime soon!

Jodi Elwell said...

NO!!!!! You can not cross all those things off! that is not fair! # of those things affect me and I would be so sad to not see you be able to do them. I guess basketball is almost over so I will take that, but softball?? and running?? I'm so sorry. I hope you got good news yesterday!