Some simple guidelines for your next family vacation...
1- Never put the baby who is afraid of fish, directly at face level and inches away from said fish...
2) Never hook your own daughter whilst on a fishing float trip
3) No guideline here, I just really like this picture, so I couldn't leave it out...
4) Eating should be done at a table
5) With your mouth closed
6) Always wear a helmet when riding a horse (or fishing pole, as the case may be)
7) Sugar is not a food group
8) Smart to yawn behind their backs...
9) A river is most enjoyable in sunny weather
10) Dirt is NOT a toy!
11) See number 10
12) And check number 10 again
13) Don't push your children/nephews off the dock
14) Make sure your child isn't the one facing away from the camera
15) Got nothin' here either... Just really love these two...
All joking aside, we had a great trip. Our family (the girls in particular) caught a ton of fish and Erin even decided she'd eat them this year. It's fun to do the same things summer after summer and see how the pictures change year to year. We hiked. We ate. We did some serious work on the cabins. We played on the quad and jet skis. We played a lot of cards. We played in a lot of dirt. It was great. And leech free for the second year in a row...
Cute post, April!
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