Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Flour Power...

When we were kids we used to play this awesome game called... The Flour Game (fancy, I know...) I recently remembered it and thought some traditions just have to be passed on...
You start with a packed bowl of flour, turn it upside down on a plate and then stick a penny on top of the flour. Then you take turns around the table cutting away little slices of flour...
Until you have a wobbly, little flour tower...
Keep taking turns until... Ooops! Someone knocks it off. Then that person must pick up the penny with their mouth out of the flour...
Some people loved it...
Some people didn't...
Which is why our good friend, Matt Bishop, who was playing with us, had to get Erin's penny for her. Thanks for being a good sport, matt! The girls loved seeing him all flour-y.
Then Sam and I knocked it off the next round and Brooke thought she'd give me a little help...
I love things like this, that I did as a kid and now get to do with my own children. We'll definitely be doing this for another family home evening soon...


David & Brenda said...

Looks like a blast! Wish we could have been there!

Karrie Shepro said...

OMG I totally remember playing this game at family reunions. Thanks for reminding me, good memories!