Friday, January 02, 2009

Have you ever noticed that your children don't walk anywhere? If they're happy, they run. If they're mad, they run. If they're bored, they run and run and run... Go to your room - run. Time to eat - run. But it's not really running. It's much cuter. I've decided it's "scampering" and I tried it yesterday. To start off, let me tell you that I am not a cute scamperer. I don't think it's possible once you are over 4 feet tall. I ran to make breakfast. I ran to wipe some little booties. I ran to get Sam. I ran. And ran. And ran. The girls loved it. I was the funniest thing they'd ever seen. You should have seen the looks we got running into the store. It was like a herd of elephants coming across the parking lot... Let me mention, that I run 8 miles at least twice a week. It doesn't matter. I was pooped! How do they do it? And my legs are a lot longer. The little people are taking three times as many steps. I'm still not sure what they see in scampering everywhere they go. Really, who wants to get to time-out faster? But they do. After a day of scampering, I'm exhausted. I'm sweaty. I'm a little embarrassed I scampered in public. I'm laughing. I'm a hero. Who knew that all it took was a day of scampering to make your people fall in love with you all over again?

Oh, and I know my picture has nothing to do with this post, but I love the older pictures of the girls.


Kari said...

LOL! What a fun day you must have had, I can just hear your girls laughing!

Gillian said...

You are so crazy! This reminds me of an episode of Friends where Phoebe is jogging in Central Park all crazy, the way she use to run when she was a little girl. It's more fun that way, right? :)

Karen said...

At least you were scampering with them and not AWAY from them :)


You are the most fun mom I know! I want to be like you when I grow up. Too bad my kids will be grown up too. I am sure it won't be as cute and fun to scamper when I'm old and so are my kids. :0)

Brenda Sue said...

I knew I loved you for a reason!! How funny is that!?

J. Baxter said...

Hey - Laura (Rosenlund, my sister) gave me your blog info, so since we've met I thought I'd come check it out.

Your girls are adorable.

And as for scampering - yes, I have noticed, but it has not been attempted. Thank you for trying the experiment for me, I can see your results are sound.

I got tired out just thinking about it.

Great Blog!